Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A search for truth

I was at the grocery store this morning. This in and of itself is not unusual. But while there, I was struck by an amazing thought. About Britney Spears. I usually only think about her as often as I am forced to, and the whole head shaving thing has forced her upon my notice again.

But for a moment, just a moment, something occurred to me. Maybe she isn't just doped up, drunk, or crazy. Maybe shaving her head was a bold existential statement. Maybe she had found, finally, the place in herself where she faced all that happened in her life. She could have been using the moment to make a statement, create a separation from the pop-tart, Mouseketeer part of her life. She could have been saying that she was a child no more, but a mother, and an artist, fully in charge of her life, and ready to move on, clean up the mess, and forge a new path for herself. Maybe it was her Victoria Jackson "I Am Not A Bimbo" moment. (Obscure SNL reference...look it up)

Maybe from this moment on, she will work to be a fulfilled, fully fledged member of the adult community, and her hair was like waving a signal flag from the highest hill...

WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING! I am not sure why she shaved her head. I know that I don't care. What does bother me is that between Anna Nicole and Britney, real news from the war or anywhere else is hard to come by. And you can only look at so many train wrecks. Can we leave it alone now? good night and good luck...stimp


Anonymous said...

I think the news media like to pick up on the "funny ugly" stories like Anna Nicole and Brit brit than the "ugly ugly" stories of real life.

stimp said...

Sometimes they are the same thing. It's all ugliness and stupidity.