Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Adieu, Jon and Kate

November 24, 2009

I found something new to be thankful for.

I can only hope, now that the Gosselins have turned their breeding habits into a train wreck, that they will go away and leave me alone. I don't, and never have, watched the "show". But their family life has been forced on me and everyone else since day one. I said it about the Octomom, and I'll say it again. Having a litter is not a talent. It is an aberration. Having said litter, then using it to cash in is an abomination. Children are not a commodity. I have a child. It is difficult enough to raise a child in this world without turning their lives into a circus. I work with kids, and see kids every day whose parents don't take their job seriously. Broken children with only the system to help fix what went wrong. I feel bad for those kids. I feel bad for any kids who have parents pimping them for their own selfishness. The parents suck, and the children are left to confusion. Go away, Jon and Kate.