Monday, May 08, 2006

Pay attention

Thus far, I haven't said much about the whole brouhaha about "illegal aliens", and the giant immigration ruckus. I admit, it is a problem, having folks sneak into the country undocumented. But this whole thing is an unwinnable argument. I was on my sister's blog Reality for Dummies, and there is quite the discussion going on. I haven't commented on this issue for two reasons. First, I think it is a smokescreen, a distraction from all the other things going to hell. It is a button push. If we are all freaking out about immigration, we aren't talking about, say, the sabre rattling with Iran. Or the multitude of lies and corrupt activities going on, both at the federal and the state level. We won't be discussing warrantless wiretaps, or the new CIA guy, or the 750 signing statements attached to various new laws. We'll forget about the slow erosion of our civil liberties, thanks to our war on "terror". And don't even get me started on gas prices. Then, there is a little place called Iraq, and all the lies, torture, and death going on there. Second, part of the "blame" for the immigration "problem" belongs not to the poor people sneaking in here, but the rich folks taking advantage of them. We are screaming about the illegals, taking jobs from us, using up our resources, and so on. But we never talk about the businesses, both large and small, who go out of their way to hire people they can pay less, tax free, and without benefits. As usual, it is all the little guy's fault. "They come here illegally and take our jobs...." blah, blah, blah. How about "they are poor and need work and come here illegally and the employers take advantage of their need, just enough, so the folks back home hear about it and are drawn here looking for the same". The immigration argument is the same as the gay marriage argument. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. good night and good luck...stimp

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