The other evening, Keith was on Craig Ferguson's show. As anyone who has known me more than five minutes knows, I think Keith is great. OK, maybe more than great, but that is not the point. Something he said struck me funny. He said he does not vote. If I understood him correctly, he thought voting would somehow compromise his objectivity as a journalist. I don't buy it. The fact that you have a certain job does not relieve you of your rights and responsibilies as a citizen. You were a citizen way before you were a journalist. And I hate to tell you this, since you should know better. But NO ONE is totally impartial about anything. From the stories you choose to do, to the way in which you choose to do them, what you leave out, what you leave in, is not an impartial process. No matter how great you are, nor how hard you try. Walter Cronkite was not totally without opinion, nor was the revered Edward R. Murrow. Neither is the great Keith Olbermann. Or Stimp for that matter. But as a citizen, an informed one, you have as much right, and carry as much weight as the rest of us. Not to sound too idealistic, but we all count, unless you live in Florida or Ohio. So come on Keith, fill out that registration card, and join us in the thrill ride I call democracy. I promise, it won't hurt a bit. good night and good luck...stimp
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