Monday, January 01, 2007

Mr. 3000

OK, so I know everyone will be calling him that. I've seen it on Firedoglake already.

I am not going to blog a long time today. It is a holiday, and I have things to do. But when I got online to check my mail after a wonderful New Year's Eve party with my family, I discovered we had cracked 3000.

Three thousand men and women have come, or soon will come, back from Iraq in a box. If we're being told the truth, and if they are lucky. Thousands of mom and dads, brothers and sisters, wives, husbands, children, and friends have lost something precious. I know that you know all this. I know it's not the last milestone number we will pass. I know that the idiot in the White House and his thugs are going to send more to be killed.

And it pisses me off.

I've heard the arguments for, the arguments against. I've heard about volunteers to our military. I've heard every justification and lame ass excuse in the world for this horrifying abortion in Iraq. And none of them are good enough. Not to excuse the loss of one life. Not an Iraqi, not an American, not an Ally, not even Saddam Hussein, and I was no fan of his either. This continuous slow bleed of lives, and gushing eruption of tax money, must end. Now. I could rant on for days about the variety of ways in which I hate Mr. 3000, and the variety of torments I expect he'll enjoy when he passes from this life into the next. But it's New Year's, and there's football and family. Happy New Year, and peace, most especially, to all this year. good night and good luck...stimp


ToledoNative said...


Excellent post.

Shellys7613 said...

Well said. We only have a year and 11 months left with this idiot, so let's hope and pray this madness will end before the next election.