Thursday, May 01, 2008

Anger Accomplished

May 1, 2008

Every night, Countdown ends with Keith Olbermann reminding us how many days since W declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. Today is the fifth anniversary of that statement. As he was discussing the matter with Rachael Maddow tonight, he wondered where the anger over this has gone. How to tap again into that anger.

Mr. Olbermann, the anger has never gone away.

I have been angry about this war since before the war started. I yelled, and hollered, and argued, and wrote, and protested. All to no avail. I have been beaten down verbally and threatened physically by total strangers over this horror. I keep my sadness and anger to myself mostly. But it is always there. And every time I hear of more soldiers and civilians dying, it's there. Every time that idiot in the White House asks for more money to carry it on, it's there. It's never gone. But the expression of it is, for the most part.

I can't scream everyday without losing my voice. My anger has served no one. It hasn't saved one life, or one day, or one dollar. I never stop being against this horrid war. My conviction is the same. But what would you have me do? I will continue to speak, write, and be involved. But until we get the murdering thugs out of the White House, and get some common sense in, my voice is nothing more than air with some noise on it. And my anger is still intact. I just ran out of energy after a while. The best thing about beating your head against a brick wall is how good it feels when you stop. It doesn't hurt the wall. Good night and good luck...stimp

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