Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Safety in Numbers

What does it mean to be safe? I know that is a stupid question. I was out with a group of my friends last night. Two different people, both guys, suggested that they could behave more like themselves with me because, since I was married, I was "safe". Indeed. I am a happily married woman. Delightedly married. I am not looking for anything outside my marriage. But just what does it mean to be safe? If I weren't married, would my male friends feel less comfortable being themselves around me? If so, that is a shame. I have always enjoyed having male friends, almost more than female ones. My relationships with males have always been less complicated, once we were both clear of the "relationship" baggage. I like guys. In a way, I must admit I was almost insulted. What does it mean to be safe. I felt like every body's mom. I'm married, so I am no longer a woman? I am some sort of neutral? I'm no femme fatale, but it would be nice to be acknowledged as such. Treat me like a lady sometimes, not one of the guys. Sure I'm married. But even I still like to flirt a little. Even more now, because I am married. Flirting, bawdy wordplay, makes me feel female. Doesn't mean I'm trying to be a tramp, or sleep around. it just make me feel, I don't know, "girly". Like a real woman. Maybe most women don't need that kind of sort of reinforcement. I like it. Sue me. It makes me feel safe to be the woman I am. good night and good luck...stimp

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