Saturday, April 29, 2006
and now we wait...
Today, I went to the going away party for my nephew. He is leaving for Iraq on Friday, coincidentally my son's birthday. Are going away parties intended to wish someone a good trip, or a good time? Or in today's case, to wish that someone comes back? I am heartsick and soulsick. And worse yet, I am doing my best to keep it all inside. What good would it do anyone to say what screams to come out? I told him to keep his head down as we said goodbye. He reminded me that "they" are not allowed to shoot at medics. Well, he knows that, and supposedly the other side knows that. But who says the bullet knows that? Or the IED, or whatever else comes along. No one else seems to be as concerned about this as I am. Which is understandable. I am, after all, the family fruitcake, certified crazy, and a whacko lefty pacifist besides. Part of me is proud of him for wanting to serve, and offer the most precious thing he has. He volunteered to go. Part of me wants to strangle him, to scream at him. Don't you pay attention to the news? Haven't you seen what has happened to so many others? We passed the 2400 dead mark today. And still we are thumping our collective chest, and beating the drums, this time for Iran. I have hated, argued about, and protested this war since before it began. We have been lied to, tricked, and frightened into doing this, and giving up a good many rights in the process. I was hoping not to have to give up part of my family as well. Others in my family are serving already. But as far as I know, this is the first time one has gone to the actual war. So now I'll wait, and pray, and call his wife more often. If anyone is actually reading this, maybe you could throw out a small prayer to the deity or your choice as well. It's all I can do. That, and wait. good night and good luck...stimp
Saturday, April 22, 2006
a little nightmare music

A little song to close out this interesting week, with all respect to Mr. Randy Newman...
No one likes us-I don't know why
We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try
But all around, even our old friends put us down
Let's drop the big one, and see what happens
We give them money-But are they grateful?
No, they're spiteful and they're hateful
They don't respect us, so let's surprise them
We'll drop the big one, and pulverize them
Asia's too crowded and Europe's too old
Africa is far too hot
and Canada's too cold
And South America stole our name
Let's drop the big one
There'll be no one left to blame us
Boom goes London and boom Paree
More room for you and more room for me
And every city the whole world round
Will just be another American towm
Oh how peaceful we will be
We'll set everybody free
You'll wear a Japanese kimono
And they'll be Italian shoes for me
They all hate us anyhow
So let's drop the big one now
Let's drop the big one now.
(copyright 1969 January Music; composed and arranged by Randy Newman)
good night and good luck...stimp
Sunday, April 16, 2006
And the bad news is...
As we all know, today is Easter Sunday. For our Christian friends, it is a day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, and all that entailed. It is a joyous day. It is also a day to spend with family. We spent our day with my husband's family, having a large dinner together. Today is a good news/bad news day. My wonderful minister has delivered a beautiful, healthy boy. A great blessing to be sure. My nephew and his wife found out that they are expecting a third child. I was so happy for them. Spring, even for us heathens, is a time of renewal and rebirth. So imagine my shock when I learned that my nephew will not be here, for at least the pregnancy. He is being deployed. My nephew is shipping out for Iraq.
I am not entirely a stranger to the war, or the military life. My first husband, my current husband, and both of his brothers served during the first Gulf War. My sister's husband is serving in the Navy. I have said it before: I am a pacifist from a long line who have served their country. I love my family, and am proud of all those who have served. Those who make the promise and keep it are the bravest among us. But I am not sure I can take this. I don't hate anyone, especially not my own, who are in the service. That is a common misconception about people who are against the war. We just expect that when our loved ones are asked to serve, and perhaps to die, that it is for the actual defense of our nation, not the hubris of a clown and his court of fools. I have hated this war from the beginning.
And now they are making it personal. Big mistake.
good night and good luck...stimp
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
If anyone ever told you life was fair...
My mom always told me that if anyone told me life was fair, they were lying. At the time, I thought it was heresy. The universe must be inherently fair! Well...she was right, as she is so often. Nothing has brought this to my attention more than the Delphi bankruptcy, and the bullshit going along with it. There is no one factor that has caused this mess, and no one solution will fix it. That being said, I wish to make an observation. The guy in charge of Delphi is one of the biggest assholes I have ever seen. I watched a speech that he gave the other day, to a business club of some sort in Detroit. It must have been a huge stretch for Miller to try to be both smug and hangdog at the same time. He is crying poormouth, and planning on cutting hourly wages and benefits by a horrifying amount. I don't think that people understand what that means. I hear all over the place "They make too much anyway". That is not the point. These same people don't say the same thing about the upper level guys who have a wage and benefit package that would choke a horse. Are these guys going to be forced to deal with "reality", and give back half of what they make? Of course not. It's not the same thing, they cry. But it is the same thing. If the guys making the things, whether cars or parts, have to bite the bullet, then so should the guys at the top. Because the fault is more theirs than the guys on the line. Life isn't fair, but it shouldn't cheat this much. good night and good luck...stimp
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