Ok...in my last post, I vented about some gossip. I tried to be circumspect, leave out names, be nice.
Now, I'm not going to be so nice.
First, the new gossip that lit the fuse...From the nice folks at the New York Post...
October 27, 2006 -- KEITH Olbermann is thisclose to his day of reckoning for a one-night stand. The 30-something Cuban lass who says the MSNBC loudmouth courted her, bedded her, then told her to get lost, says she's about to release the 100 or so more e- mails she claims he sent her before their night of un satisfying sex in a Manhattan hotel. The woman, who calls herself KarmaBites and launched a blog to warn others about his boorish bedroom habits, says of the outspoken Olbermann's refusal to say a single word about her story: "Do you actually believe KO wouldn't deny my story publicly if it weren't true?" And she believes Olbermann is getting heat from his new girlfriend, Katy Tur. "Methinks he's feeling the pressure of the new squeeze to deny this publicly, but sadly for him he can't," KarmaBites says. "I guess my only alternative is to publish the e-mails . . . I'm tempted to re lease the e-mails just to see what excuses they come up with." She also says the more criticism she gets from Olbermann's fans, "the closer I get to going full-throttle and publishing all of the dirt. You're KO's worst enemy. I hope you can live with it."
Enough is enough, KarmaBites. He's feeling the pressure? You're blog is "by invitation only". Why should anyone defend themselves against a nothing and no one like you. You behave like a tramp, and then complain because you are treated like one. Once again, what did you expect, moonlight and roses? Happily ever after? And that is assuming that what you are saying is true. Whether it is or not, you are now a tool, willing or not, of the big boys at the Post, and therefore NewsCorp. You know, the guys who own Bill O'Reilly, archenemy of intelligent people everywhere. Are you seeing the pattern here? You give your "story", and it offers the opportunity to discredit a competitor. Smart.
But, that is beside the point. I don't believe you. You could swear on a stack of e-mails. At best, you are a pathetic groupie who didn't get the "big romance" that you were hoping for. At worst, you are a psychotic lying wacko who is trying to stir up trouble for someone who didn't follow your playbook, whatever it was. I'll make it simple. Shut up and go away. Leave us all alone. Because sooner or later, someone is going to do to you what you are trying to do to him. Can you stand up to that scrutiny? Are you clean enough for it? Considering your current behavior, I doubt it. If you didn't piss me off, you would make me sad and sorry for you. Just fade away...stimp
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
grow up and shut up
I try, very hard, not to be a gossip. In a way, I've always found it a little gross. I don't read People, Star, Us, or any of the other crap factories that pump out "true" stories about celebrities and wannabes. I think that is probably obvious from my previous post. But recently, I have been reading about an ugly situation involving one of my faves. Woman not only insinuates a lack of class, personal good behavior, and honesty of said celeb, but goes so far as to claim a lack of prowess on the famed one's part. I have been trying, in all honesty, to ignore the whole sordid mess, which made its way into the blogosphere and the NY Post, setting up a horrifying feedback loop.
So finally, I am pissed. I am tired of all the nastiness. So here is my opinion.
Supposedly there was something of a long term internet conversation. Lovely. I talk to people on the internet every day. But I don't fly a couple of thousand miles to fuck them. If you were expecting moonlight and roses, you thought wrong. How old are you in your head, twelve? Did you somehow figure that some e-mails and a roll in the hay with what was essentially a stranger meant anything? "He wasn't nice to me, he blew me off after". What did your behavior invite? Sometimes karma, REAL karma, does give you what you deserve. And if you behave like a besotted preteen with a thinking problem, don't be surprised if you are treated like one. This whole story has made me sick. The only stupid thing our celeb in question did was having anything to do with a bimbo with arrested development and delusions of grandeur in the first place. Now I know that I am going to be branded an apologist, a mysogynist, or worse. But I am a woman, and not a prude. But I must say that it never ceases to amaze just how little class some people have.
So to the sad one who thought herself Cinderella, all I can say is: Pull up your big girl panties, pack your bags, shut your mouth, and go away. You've been here 15 minutes too long.
And to my celeb fave...try thinking with the big head next time, not the little one. good night and good luck...stimp
So finally, I am pissed. I am tired of all the nastiness. So here is my opinion.
Supposedly there was something of a long term internet conversation. Lovely. I talk to people on the internet every day. But I don't fly a couple of thousand miles to fuck them. If you were expecting moonlight and roses, you thought wrong. How old are you in your head, twelve? Did you somehow figure that some e-mails and a roll in the hay with what was essentially a stranger meant anything? "He wasn't nice to me, he blew me off after". What did your behavior invite? Sometimes karma, REAL karma, does give you what you deserve. And if you behave like a besotted preteen with a thinking problem, don't be surprised if you are treated like one. This whole story has made me sick. The only stupid thing our celeb in question did was having anything to do with a bimbo with arrested development and delusions of grandeur in the first place. Now I know that I am going to be branded an apologist, a mysogynist, or worse. But I am a woman, and not a prude. But I must say that it never ceases to amaze just how little class some people have.
So to the sad one who thought herself Cinderella, all I can say is: Pull up your big girl panties, pack your bags, shut your mouth, and go away. You've been here 15 minutes too long.
And to my celeb fave...try thinking with the big head next time, not the little one. good night and good luck...stimp
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Rants Due
It has been a while since I had a good solid rant and blown off some steam. But something forces upon my notice made me just mad enough to go.
I mean really. I was just watching the "news", and it seems that our Paris has made up with her old friend Nicole. It is all part of a greater crapification of the news that I can't stand. If I tune into a sports program, I want to hear about sports, not who is dating who. If I am watching the news, with Iraq, North Korea, and Congress in such wonderful shape, with an election just a couple of weeks away, I want the news. Or at least to know that at some point, I will be given some celebrity sorbet to cleanse my palate. I don't care about this stuff. I don't care what Brangelina is doing this week. And it is really sad that they are trying to cram this stuff down your throat so fast that two "adults" can't each have a name. I don't care who or what Tom Cruise is jumping on. I don't care which actresses are too skinny or too fat. Since these idiots can't make up our minds for us what exactly we are "supposed" to look like this 15 minutes, I say screw them. I don't care what food/wall/cleaning implement Jesus or Mary showed up on this week. I figure if either of them wanted to make a statement, they have the personal wherewithal to make it on a much grander scale. REALLY get everyone's attention. So no more Virgin Mary pop tarts, OK? And speaking of pop tarts, no more Britney and K-Fed. I don't care. I don't want to know. Or about Madonna adopting an African child. If you want to impress me, part with some of your ready cash, and time, and do something to make a real difference. Guys like Bono and George Clooney are putting their time and money where their mouths are, and I haven't had either of them shoved up my ass recently. If someone is making a real difference, or doing something of real value, let me know. Otherwise, let your Mel Gibsons and all of your other idiot children remain on Entertainment Tonight or E!. Let my news be news, OK? good night and good luck...stimp
I mean really. I was just watching the "news", and it seems that our Paris has made up with her old friend Nicole. It is all part of a greater crapification of the news that I can't stand. If I tune into a sports program, I want to hear about sports, not who is dating who. If I am watching the news, with Iraq, North Korea, and Congress in such wonderful shape, with an election just a couple of weeks away, I want the news. Or at least to know that at some point, I will be given some celebrity sorbet to cleanse my palate. I don't care about this stuff. I don't care what Brangelina is doing this week. And it is really sad that they are trying to cram this stuff down your throat so fast that two "adults" can't each have a name. I don't care who or what Tom Cruise is jumping on. I don't care which actresses are too skinny or too fat. Since these idiots can't make up our minds for us what exactly we are "supposed" to look like this 15 minutes, I say screw them. I don't care what food/wall/cleaning implement Jesus or Mary showed up on this week. I figure if either of them wanted to make a statement, they have the personal wherewithal to make it on a much grander scale. REALLY get everyone's attention. So no more Virgin Mary pop tarts, OK? And speaking of pop tarts, no more Britney and K-Fed. I don't care. I don't want to know. Or about Madonna adopting an African child. If you want to impress me, part with some of your ready cash, and time, and do something to make a real difference. Guys like Bono and George Clooney are putting their time and money where their mouths are, and I haven't had either of them shoved up my ass recently. If someone is making a real difference, or doing something of real value, let me know. Otherwise, let your Mel Gibsons and all of your other idiot children remain on Entertainment Tonight or E!. Let my news be news, OK? good night and good luck...stimp
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Well, this year's baseball season ended for me yesterday, when the Tigers beat the Yankees to clinch the ALDS. That's OK, I guess. With all that has been going on in the real world, it has been kind of hard to concentrate on baseball. For the three of you reading this, my nephew made it home from Iraq safe, and I am assuming, sound. Time will tell. And all the business with Foley and the pages, Hastert, the upcoming election, and world events are almost dizzying. But something happened the other day, not necessarily significant in the grand scheme of things, but noteworthy none the less. Buck O'Neil passed away Friday night, from complications of congestive heart failure and bone marrow cancer, at the age of 94, according to MSNBC.com. I will admit, I didn't know much about Mr O'Neil until recently. I learned a great deal about him after the controversial vote that left him one shy of entering Cooperstown with other greats (and not quite so greats) from the Negro Leagues. Such and uproar! There were baseball writers and fans all over America who were frothing at the mouth. Keith Olbermann was apoplectic. But for me, something kind of funny happened in all the outrage. I listened to Buck O'Neil talking about the "slight". And I realized that everyone else was angrier for him than he seemed for himself. Quiet and gentlemanly, he seemed happy just to be there, just to be considered. With the whole firestorm, he just smiled, and let it go by for the most part. He was even part of the ceremony at Cooperstown inducting the folks on the list he himself was not considered good enough to join. For class, there is none greater. So I wanted to remember this man I never knew of until it was too late. I'm not much of a historian, but I usually know a great ballplayer when I see one. And he will be remembered long after the Steroid Boys are gone. Thanks, Buck, for helping a little girl see the magic in baseball again. You're playing in a greater league now, and one that will not leave you out. good night and good luck...stimp
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