Saturday, October 14, 2006

Rants Due

It has been a while since I had a good solid rant and blown off some steam. But something forces upon my notice made me just mad enough to go.


I mean really. I was just watching the "news", and it seems that our Paris has made up with her old friend Nicole. It is all part of a greater crapification of the news that I can't stand. If I tune into a sports program, I want to hear about sports, not who is dating who. If I am watching the news, with Iraq, North Korea, and Congress in such wonderful shape, with an election just a couple of weeks away, I want the news. Or at least to know that at some point, I will be given some celebrity sorbet to cleanse my palate. I don't care about this stuff. I don't care what Brangelina is doing this week. And it is really sad that they are trying to cram this stuff down your throat so fast that two "adults" can't each have a name. I don't care who or what Tom Cruise is jumping on. I don't care which actresses are too skinny or too fat. Since these idiots can't make up our minds for us what exactly we are "supposed" to look like this 15 minutes, I say screw them. I don't care what food/wall/cleaning implement Jesus or Mary showed up on this week. I figure if either of them wanted to make a statement, they have the personal wherewithal to make it on a much grander scale. REALLY get everyone's attention. So no more Virgin Mary pop tarts, OK? And speaking of pop tarts, no more Britney and K-Fed. I don't care. I don't want to know. Or about Madonna adopting an African child. If you want to impress me, part with some of your ready cash, and time, and do something to make a real difference. Guys like Bono and George Clooney are putting their time and money where their mouths are, and I haven't had either of them shoved up my ass recently. If someone is making a real difference, or doing something of real value, let me know. Otherwise, let your Mel Gibsons and all of your other idiot children remain on Entertainment Tonight or E!. Let my news be news, OK? good night and good luck...stimp


Anonymous said...

i agree totally. i couldn't possibly care less what these Hollywood idiots are doing/wearing/procreating and i'm sick to death of the world assuming that i am! enough already, Brangelina! go the hell away for a while and get a real life!

stimp said...

Welcome OBMHR! Always nice to have someone stop by. I have been watching all the fuss on all the board about the newbie GF for KO, and I figure if I can't tell these celebrities about my sex life, I don't need to hear about theirs. As I have told my son, that's why they are called privates.

Anonymous said...

straight up.

Spencemo said...

Did you catch Bono on Oprah last week? I got my (RED) on, getting a shirt at the Gap (sure as hell wasn't doing it at Armani).

stimp said...

didn't get a chance to see Oprah, since I've never watched it my life basically. Cool on the(red) gear. I wish.